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Hi, thanks for reading and adding 'Harmony' to yoiur favourites. I do hope that when i post a piece of my work that someone, somewhere will read and possibly, like it. TRhank you again, Evelyn/Bluedragon

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Hi, thsanks for confirming me as a 'friend'. Have a happy Christmas. Evelyps I am very busy writing a new novel and another short story to follow Grinndle's Life. It is called Grinndle's Journey . a tale about a jester.

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Hi, than ks again for reading my poem. I do not have many posted here but I hope you can get a chance to read on e or tweo of my other works. I must try to post more poems. I will try to get to read some of yours after Christmas. Too much gloing on right n ow. Evelyn/Bluedragon

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