GunaRake’s Friends

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  • 25 years
  • 13 Books
  • 489

i love to read,write, and do anything athletic.i am very sensative and takes stuff people say to heart.i am niave and trust and love too easily.

Ryan Harker

Ryan Harker

Ryan Matthew

  • English
  • 9 Books
  • 174

I've been writing on and off since I was 12 years old, and have been reading voraciously ever since I learned how. I read my first adult novel (Stephen King's The Tommyknockers) when I was 8 and never looked back. As an adult I finished writing my first short story when I was 20 and finished writing my first... Read more...

Zion Phoenix

Zion Phoenix

  • English
  • 3 Books
  • 7

I am a 10 year old boy. I am an author, who also loves music, science, drawing, and more!! Was recently on Americas Got Talent. Twitter: @angel_zion My Science Website:

  • English
  • 17 Books
  • 256

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