GunaRake’s Favorites
- Science
- English
- 1667 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 891
- 4
This book was written for a class in educational technology and is meant to address high school students re: the differences and similarities in science and science fiction.
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- Adventure
- English
- 2003 Words
- Ages 8 and up
- 449
- 3
A story of a kid who finds a flower that is scared of something called "Tinerals". It leads to a fantastic adventure. Bad and good happens, in the world of Taflamai. Only one flower survived the power of the explosion in Taflamai.............
**In progress**
Keywords: Adventure, Flower, Tinerals, Carbon Monosion, Taflamai, Makla, Tei Abller, Explosion, Great Gray Wall of Taflamai, Great White Wall of Taflamai
For Free
- Education
- English
- 8387 Words
- Ages 8 and up
- 449
- 3
An overview of science, physics, and astronomy. Lots of cool facts and information building blocks to expand your understanding and horizons of the world of science. Written by a 9 year old with a passion for science, this is a great book for the inquisitive child with an... Read more...
Keywords: Science, Education, Short, atoms, particles, Einstein, Heisenberg, human body, LIGO, physics, astronomy, AND MORE!!, book, guide, motion
A Novel by Emily Zimmerman.
- Romance
- English
- 67841 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 12040
- 146
"You know, there is something...," He trailed off, taking a smooth step forward.
Libia looked up at him. Now that he was blocking the light behind him, she could see his face better. His eyes twinkled with mirth, and it was refreshing to see something other than that... Read more...
For Free
- Adventure
- English
- 63850 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 6018
- 38
Every moment counts when you're on the run but Davey Jones has stolen the technology to master time itself. So I invite you, come sail away with Davey on an epic adventure down the time stream, through the realm of possibility in his attempt to understand his... Read more...
Keywords: Action, Adventure, Time, Self, Change, Future, Past, Robots, Aliens, Alternate Realities
For Free
- Drama
- English
- 651 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 655
- 19
Three Stories of sad/happy romance. Includes so far: Goobye , Misunderstanding, and Peice of You. Goodbye: Samantha(Sam)loves her boyfriend, Eric. But sam has a secret. Sam stops coming to school for a week, and Eric is worried. Sam dumps him, and they are both... Read more...
Keywords: misunderstanding, love, sad, death
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- Fantasy
- English
- 267 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 668
- 16
I used to be an angel. My best friend's guardian angel as a matter of fact. For years i protected her, without her even relising it. then she got this boyfriend, brandon. and he RUINED my life! he made me fail. I failed my assignment, and God threw me out, no longer able... Read more...
Keywords: fallen angel, angel, vampire, school of myths, tasha, kylie
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- Poetry
- English
- 1007 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 775
- 24
You ever had an experence that you never got over? well ive had tons. and i still feel the pain.but maybe this will help.
Keywords: grief, pain, accepting, hurt
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Anyone hate their dad? Well, I do.
- Family & Relationships
- English
- 910 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 688
- 16
This is memories of my dad,of whom i currently hate with all my heart.
You a daddy's girl? If you are, I'm not saying your spoiled, but lucky,because I'm not, and i never will be.
How do i feel about my dad? hmmm...well if you realy wanna know, sit down because this is going to take a while.
Keywords: hate, love, learning
For Free
- Drama
- English
- 414 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 767
- 23
I hate you. people don't know that those three words can ruin a life.
Keywords: Learning, hate, suicide
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