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Sometimes we have to fall before we fly .

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And I am very good at escaping one.
(Runs away quickly)


( traps sneaky cat , blocking his entrance )

You thought you could outrun me again sneaky cat . NEVER !!!

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If you make the bed be prepared to lay on it. That quote is so true . As much we don't like to face the music / consequences , we have gain strength to do so . By being comforted by our loved ones thats where we gonna get strengh from . The strength to move forward and to make better decisions. Goodluck to all people who are in that situation .

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Happy Christmas everyone . I hope you guys have a fun filled awesome day with your family . Love Atha

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Things happen for a reason . We may not know why but all things shall be unravelled when the time is right . We just have to hope and pray that things shall be fine .

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You have good sense of life


Well what can I say personal experiences had made more wiser and mature .

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Hahahaha, do you wish to be my friend? Why do you wish that?

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Oh well thanx. I am normally called weird and crazy for wanting to learn new things . But hey fantastic it is. Curiosity killed the cat and definitely thats not me because you are the cat and I'm the one who is curious so idk .

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True, true :)

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