Rosalie’s Favorites

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Less than Perfect
S. J. Evans Less than Perfect

Some lives were never meant to be perfect...

  • Romance
  • English
  • 194657 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 36132
  • 524

::What if everything you once thought you knew about your life was really all a facade, hiding the dark and burdening secrets of your past?

Skye Montgomery, a soft-spoken and sweet seventeen-year-old girl, lives in a less-than-perfect-lifestyle of lies, betrayal, and,... Read more...

Keywords: Romance, abuse, stepfather, pain, violence, love&hate, suspense, care

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I Hate You! (Completed)
Leesia I Hate You! (Completed)

But Cant Live Without You?

  • Romance
  • English
  • 19861 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 39519
  • 811

You might think that the schools Mr. Hottie would be with Ms. Hottie. But your wrong! Ella hates Nathan's guts. He bullies her, gets her in trouble, and just pisses her off. You could call them enemies. They absolutely hate each other!

Keywords: Romance, High School, Mature Language, Hatred, Party, Sex

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Baby by Rape
Chalen D. Baby by Rape

Book One

  • Drama
  • English
  • 11283 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 5496
  • 141

Sophie has always been the good girl. Her parents are divorced and hate each other. Jessie takes Sophie to a party where she's raped. first she's numb to the attack, but breaks down and tells Danny, her childhood friend. Once Danny finds out who the attacker he does his... Read more...

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New Life
H.N. S New Life
  • Romance
  • English
  • 46993 Words
  • Ages 16 and up
  • 2213230
  • 7396

(Completed) Mia Owens and her mother have just moved to California from England to find a better life. Mia just wants to live easy, go to school, hag out with friends... that was until Ian Marsh turned her life upside down. Ian Marsh is rich and popular and can get... Read more...

Keywords: Love, Romance, Relationship, Rich, Poor, School, Job, Money, Sex

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