Important Post
Hey, heeeeey njoyabl!! Miss the group sooo much! By the way, thank you for faving 'I'm An Omega, He's The Alpha.' :)
You are welcome! I love the story! I miss the group too. It was a great way to ensure a variety of reads and communication between positive people here on the site.
shy ward . have you heard of Johari Windows ? simp[ly it goes like this 1) there some things you know about yourself that others also know 2) there are some things others know about yourself that you don't know 3) there are somethings you know about others that they dont know about themselves 4 ) there are some things about yourself that you don't know and others don't know either.
it works -just takes a bit of thinking.
wait a minute........let me think on it....
Thank you! That just gave me joy on this lovely Friday!