Laine’s Friends
- 22 years
- English
- 1 Book
- 1
I like reading and writing. My best friends are Misha and Hayley.
- English
- 1 Book
- 4
I am a student in Strood academy with my best friends my birthday is on 4th August,2002
- English
""" FUCK FAke!"" hi people i'm 18 years old from INDIA! :D i hurt no one trust no one! خدا آپ کا بھلا کرے! ماشاء اللہ
Forever Enchanted
- 27 years
- English
My MAIN ACCOUNT: (mostly there) when you went away my world turned cold and gray. when you wanted to leave I begged you to stay. you were my life and one day I hoped to be your wife. memories of her always hid in the shadows so as you can see I fought many battles.they... Read more...
- English
- 9
I absolutely love to read, and I write my own books in my spare time :) My favourite catagories are Romance and Fantasy, I'm working on a new book. And when it comes out -if you read it- I hope you enjoy! Add me, I am very friendly!
- English
- 3 Books
- 11796
Hi everyone! I'm a student from England. I love reading books, my favourite genre being romance and its because of this i thought about writing. Thank you for visiting my page and i hope you're enjoying my books as i hope to write many more!
- English
- 1 Book
- 8
i love animals ilove to sing i love reading i love immortal books i love to chill and hang out with friends i love rideing my forwheelers and dirt bikes i love hanging with my cousins
- English
- 1 Book
- 48
Hi everybody! This is Mia. I have made you my whitnesses. And every time someone reads my testimony, a part of our love story keeps living in your hearts! Enjoy!