youknowiamabelieber’s Friends



  • English
  • 127 Books
  • 143

Philosopher, Economist, Entrepreneur, Management Coach, Novelist and Poet

Clary ♥

Clary ♥

  • 25 years
  • German
  • 1 Book
  • 58

Hey,ich bin Clarissa, aber nennt mich einfach Clary und ich bin 15 Jahre alt und ich spiele gerne Tischtennis und singe *_*Am liebsten höre ich Liebeslieder und ich lese viel. Und ich liebe es Fotos von mir zu machen hihi



  • English
  • 2 Books
  • 8

I can play soccer. I love to read!Also I LOVE THE VAMPIRE DIARIES!My favorite number is 42. It is the answer to everything. Look it up on google.

Unsterbliche Nacht

Unsterbliche Nacht

  • German
  • 1 Book
  • 73


Kata K.

Kata K.

  • German
  • 2 Books
  • 3
Liv Gary

Liv Gary

  • German

»Writing is my rebellion. A silent war, in which I'm always the winner.«                                      Cody McFayden Hey, I'm Liv Gary which is my pseudonym. I'm a writer, or at least that's what I trying to be, from Germany. I'm currently working on a few projects! I hope to release some of it in the... Read more...

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