Support young writers J.K. Persy, and you can be the proud owner of a signed ebook, a GOLDEN KISS and other perks!
"Ein harter Krieg hält Einzug über das Land. Während die jungen Männer der vielen Stämme des Landes sich zum Kampf rüsten, flüchten sich Frauen und Kinder im Schutz der Dunkelheit in die Tiefen der weiten Wälder.
Angus, der mächtigste Krieger eines kleinen Dorfes nahe der Ostküste, führt sein Heer siegessicher in die Schlacht dem Westen entgegen."
Lange trauerte das Dorf des Helden um seinen Verlust. Nur ein einziger junger... Show more
Since you liked Blue on Blue perhaps you might like Taylor Made? I also see that you liked marnie.write's Mistress of Tredegar. I am going to check that out soon and maybe read it. Are there any other really good romance stories on here that you might suggest for reading? Thanks, Kathi
Heyoo! Sooo, after a terribly long wait, I have FINALLY posted the Prologue to "Never Let Go". I do apologize for taking so long to post it! It's been an insane past couple of months and I haven't had much time for writing, but I figured now that things are slowing down (a tiny bit, at least) I'd get around to posting the first installment of NLG. So I have. Thanks again for all of the support! I hope that you'll still give... Show more