Woo! Just finished this! I love this chapter! Good chapter! kisses and lots of jealousy and...(; duh fuh
Hey guys!,
I actually did chapter called Kiss me Babe! I had an other chapter before this, but I totally accidently deleated it while working on my friend's laptop and was freaked! So I forgot everything but knew what my guidline was going to be to make the chapter I had like this one would of been! I love you guys! And I'm still on Spring Break so I should be updating really soon! Oh and heard of that new movie Spring... Show more
Hey beautifuls,
Just updated! New chapter called Smirks! I'm sure you all will like this one! A little more romance and some jealousy! Please Comment and like/heart it! Love you all!
Hey everyone,
Just finished the new chapter "Surprise" sorry that it's kinda short. I just felt like I needed to update! Love you all!
Second Chapter just finished hope you enjoy! A lot of "different" feelings and a boy with some dark eyes just happened to seductive Scarlet. Wanna know more? Guess you'll have to find out!!
FIRST CHAPTER DONE! HOPE YOU ENGOY! Will write next chapter tomorrow or tonight!
My name is mysterygurl4eva. You are probably wondering why I can't tell you who I am. Well If I did, I'd have to kill you. My work is something that every person will want to know what I was thinking at that very moment...well I tell you who I am soon, but for now read my "lovelys"