mynameisbubbles’ Favorites
Volume One
- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 2365 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 826
- 17
(STORY ALSO FOUND ON WATTPAD.COM) Meet Isabella Marie Cathleen Salvatore, younger sister of vampire siblings Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Turned by her brother Damon in 1864, being a vampire is all Isabella has ever known. She longs for the normal life that she never had.... Read more...
Keywords: twilight, fanfiction, vampire, vampire diaries
For Free
- Romance
- English
- 19488 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 3096
- 92
(Has some sexual contact) About a young teenage boy who lives with his older brother and his younger sister. Here one thing he is gay and only his younger sister knows. Also he is in love with one of his brothers best friends. What will he be able to do? (Redone from my... Read more...
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The Beginning
- Fantasy
- English
- 15001 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1896
- 35
After the loss of her Father many years ago, sixteen year old Gabriella Moretti has to be her Mother's hold on sanity. Gabriella is very much on her own, especially when her sister, Cora, is going to leave. Things seem to be tough already, but Gabriella's mother throws in... Read more...
Keywords: Vampire, Romance, Mystery
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Not finished.
- Fiction
- English
- 1 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1011
- 65
Crystal Semins is NOT a normal girl. She lives a normal life, but she is NOT normal. She's a freak-nut. She was the happiest little girl in the world... Thats when her world fell apart and her father mysteriously died. Her mother and her grew apart as they moved to a new... Read more...
Keywords: Forbidden love, romance, ghost, death, comedy
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"Temptation is my sin."
- Fantasy
- English
- 31369 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 5227
- 187
"Her scent made every living muscle tense up, her voice brought a haunting melody to my brain. Her lips brought a sin to my soul."
I've been dead since my eighteenth birthday, I lost everything in one huge blackout, everyone I loved is now gone. It was now 1869, evil... Read more...
Keywords: undead, Fiction, Demon, Devil, Supernatural, Love, Murder, Vampires, loss, sex, temptation, Royalty, arranged marriage, blood, angels, evil, underworld, italy, Romeo, Juliet [more]
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Their love begins
- Fantasy
- English
- 3316 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1339
- 13
Rosalie never thought she would meet her love but then she stumbles upon Emmett and her life is changed forever.
Keywords: love, soulmate, marriage, sex
For Free
- Romance
- English
- 12356 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 9320
- 302
Your heart doesn't always listen to you so you just have to listen to it.
After having a new man in her life she realizes she love's him. For the first time in her life she is in love. But will there be a happy ending after all?
Will a love between a teacher and a student survive?
Keywords: Love, Teacher, Student, Soul mates
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Forbidden Love
- Romance
- English
- 942 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2321
- 60
Anna Young has been eagerly imagining the day she would meet her mate, and they would live happily ever after.
Then she walks into English one day, and meets the new teacher, Mr.Watson. And she instntly knows, he is her mate.
"i shook his hand, and millions of...
Keywords: forbidden, love, teacher/student romance, secrets
For Free
- Fantasy
- English
- 4446 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1022
- 74
previously blood wine but changed the title
Charlie is a girl who has always wanted a normal life, but that is almost impossible when your a vampire. but she wasn't always a vampire. up until she was twelve she was human, or at least that's what she thought.
been the...
Keywords: vampirez, vampire, vampires, vamp, vamps, vampz, werewolf, bloodlust, blood lust, werewolfs, werewolve, werewolves, element, elemental, elements, elementals, witch, witches, spells, magic, magical, human, half, half breed [more]
For Free
- Romance
- English
- 10207 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 19541
- 344
My dad is getting remarried,and not just that im getting a new sister in law,and she looks lame.But here is the best part there going on there honeymoon the whole summer leaving me with that dork.or so i thought.
Keywords: new family, friends, party's, love, sex, bet
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