rose’s Friends
Melody Max Williams
- English
- 1 Book
- 46
Extreme fangirl about a lot of things! My Twitter and Instagram is @FanGirl0127. My Google+ is Kourtney Maxin Williams
- 35 years
- English
- 3 Books
- 8
I’m not a writer, at all. Writers! though, they dive into the depth of seven seas of thought and grab out the pearls of life, heavens and earths. These are the only truths of life surrounding me, and vent out of my brain when ever they caught under my writings. An extremely ordinary person, in pursue of being... Read more...
- 28 years
- English
- 46
I like to read. I guess I'm kind of weird but in a good way. I can be socially awkward sometimes. I love to write & I'm really passionate about my writings. I'm not the best writer but I'm decent. I also like to live my life drama free as possible. If you'd like to know more just ask .
- English
I'm Jordan. I love football (soccer) and l play video games on my xbox one, nintendo switch and 3ds. I watch horror movies. I listen to pop and dance music. Feel free to chat to me whenever I'm online. I won't ever judge you. We can be friends.
- English
- 2 Books
- 40
Hello There! I am a little crazy messed up girl . I am a very interesting person to say the least .So pm sometime if your bored. I am Lego crazy .
- 22 years
- English
- 1 Book
- 1
I like reading and writing. My best friends are Misha and Hayley.