He just made a new account, it’s just”keith”
He friends requested you
Hi! I’ve been really busy these past few weeks so I haven’t been able to work on the draft for our Love Game. I’m sorry for the wait! I’ll be done by this Thursday
90% of people marry there 7th grade love. since u have read this, u will be told good news 2night. if u don't pass this on nine comments ur worst week starts now this isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this on ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. you will either get kissed or asked out in the next 53 minutes someone will say i love u in a new post...
Sorry, I don’t believe in chain posts
...guess who?
Everything said there is also said for you, not just Seb.
You aren’t fixing anything. So stop acting so self-righteous. You’re only making us feel more and more pathetic. We don’t need you to boss us around all the time. We aren’t your pawns or your slaves. So stop trying to fix something you only know the beginning of.
I'm not self righteous, I know that for a damn fact. I wouldn't spend the time to show you guys to take time on yourself development before you can say you are actually the stage of depressed you are currently in.
I’m not faking my depression, unlike most. I see a therapist every other Wednesday.
Fuck. cam is still here.... it’s cameron watkins
I don’t remember the password...
Oh..... ugh now I can’t get onto that email.. but it’s no problem and trust me, it’s not yoooo f-a-u-l-t
Fun fact. I’m allergic to tide pods
You DEFINITELY can’t do the tide pod challenge now XD
I can’t have an opinion w/o getting pumbled about it
I see
and badder than ever