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Books (5)
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Du magst Fantasie? Liebesgeschichten mit Verzweiflung, Angst und Leidenschaft? Dann guck doch einfach einmal in eines meiner Bücher rein :) Magst du es nicht? dann ignoriere den Post einfach :)
Mein weitestes Buch ist: http://www.bookrix.de/_ebook-inca-nadine-staeck-your-choice-good-or-bad-guy/
Der klappentext:
Erst musste ich zu meiner Mum ziehen, die mich eigentlich hasste. Und dann zogen wir auch noch zu ihrem Lover! Es... Show more

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alice haze

hi, u wanna recommend which books of yours should i read first? >_<


hmm. Well personally I had the most fun making " Click!" xD but it's not completed..

alice haze

then, click it shall be.... :)

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The Twister

Aww thanks so much for adding my books to ur fav XP


no thank you for making that book!! I really liked how it began even though i hadn't finished yet xD. i'm motivated to make more~

The Twister

Aww thanks!! I would like to add another character can you give me a character it would be most appreciated


Hm, I really don't have much ideas. Maybe someone from another town joined their school and started a conflict? ( as I said before I hadn't finished the book so I'm just brainstorming what had already happened xD)

The Twister

Haha okay then!

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