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ok cool whenever you get headphones check it out it's awesome and yea I agree 100percent you can't enjoy it as much if it's on your speakers


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Yes I am a discriptive writer. I notice things that other people don't somtimes. I use my five sences and you do that too. You put feeling into your work (well the one that I read)I do the same. You use words that some might ned a dictonary for, andI do the same since I've read so much that words just pop into my head. Ican tell you care about yur work, but you sometimes don't finnish your stories, do you not? I do the... Show more

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No your fine. And I think I said that all wrong. I do have talent
, just not well enough that people notice. You know what I mean? If I did have full on talent I would have more veiws. Though you... you write like I do, just better. Your a descriptive writer, aren't you? Sorry if I'm confusing you. I'm trying to watch tv and type at the same time. I do have goals in life: be a well known writer and not be and idiot.

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