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anjum wasim dar

Dear Friend, how are you.I am returning after a long gap Hope I am able to finish what I have started.best wishes and regards.anjuwriter Pakistan

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this is not a story this is your life experience. by all times with your sweet memory. 90,vaidheshwaran nagar, sedhukkarai post gudiyattam,vellore dist 632602 tamilnadu india. my family also suffering from lot of debits and my mother is a stroke patient no income to pass i got one girl baby and my wife and my childs future is a big question mark till i am working as a labour in garments. if any good heart please pray me your... Show more

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all things happening are already fixed by god so we only pass. one thing to remember there is a death before birth and there is death after birth.

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A big congrats, Miranda, on your well earned place of third in the 'Family Stories' contest. I hope your $300 brings lots of special treats and pampering. You deserve it.

Best wishes,

Bek :)

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Madly in love.....

my sweetheart...
tried to forget you...
but forgot myself...
tried to move away from you...
but lost my way...

how could i forget you...
while the echo of your voice still in my ears...
how to get away from you...
while your vision follow me wherever i go...
even hug me ....

however i tried to move away from you...
my longing increased so much to you...

however i tried to forget you...
your voice get me... Show more

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How pretty you are...

looked so much and deeply...
looked with an attentively at her hair...
at her brows...
..her wet lips...
..her waist...
..her tallness...
and at her sexy legs...
at every thing she has...

then speeched to her...
talked with my romantic language...
and said...
how pretty you are ,sweet angel mine...
your scattered black hair on my thoughts...

please sweet ,let me write..
write about you...
about your brows...
which... Show more

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Thanks for your time and encouragement. It's a pleasure be a friend of yours.

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