melita’s Favorites
The Rain Master
- Short Story
- English
- 4604 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 586
- 3
Dedicated to my family and best friend Antonia
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Never need a couch
- Fiction
- English
- 80 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1076
- 25
An ode to instruments!
Keywords: guitar, music, psycho, hell, friends
For Free
Sweet Sin
- Drama
- English
- 515 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 718
- 6
Its a story of belief on friendship that unknowingly takes to love each other and ends in pleasure and pain. Its not only a story. Its a common practice going on between the youths.. Read.. You'll get the answer for Why do youths go wrong? What takes to wrong... Read more...
For Free
- Education
- English
- 15047 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 6287
- 51
This book is meant for promoting learner autonomy in learning English Language through context. This need-based, educative and evocative study techniques discussed in this book can be practiced by anybody who is interested in familiarizing English Language and its usages.... Read more...
Keywords: Cognitive Development, ELT, EFL, Communicative Competence, Rajeshlane
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- Poetry
- English
- 496 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 565
- 6
For Free
- Comics & Graphic Novels
- German
- 2 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1796
- 180
"Einst fuhren die gefiederten Schlangengötter von den hohen Sternen auf den Bergen des Schicksals hernieder und brachten uns Glück und Wohlstand..."
"Doch eines Tages verließen uns die Götter wieder. Alle klagten und weinten. Die Jaguare ertrugen den Schmerz in sich... Read more...
Keywords: Götter, Wesenheiten, Liebe, Schicksal, Fantasie
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