marwakod’s Friends
- English
- 1 Book
- 18
when a girl says watever she really means, i hope you get shot, pushed off a bridge and raped by a shark
- English
- 8 Books
- 5574
Thank you for visiting my page! Please stick around and explore for a little while:)
- 27 years
- English
As many people (And groups) May know by now I'm a very active reader. I'll read any book from ten pages to one-hundred :) I find no difficulty in reading books that are out of my reach such as higher classed or more advance writing skills. I'm young yes, but I do enjoy reading books that may be out of my league... Read more...
Arooha Arif
- 28 years
- English
- 5 Books
- 27
I have completed my high school and will be enrolling to college this year. My interests include reading, writing, teaching and imagining. I used to write romance but have switched to writing about love and truth. I'll soon be an active writer here, I hope. Stay Blessed!
- 27 years
- English
Full name: Myracle Holder-Pollard Nationality: African- American My Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio Occupation: Student Talent/Skills: Writer, Hobbyist artist, Can eat A LOT. (PUT A LOCK ON YOUR FRIDGE.. o_o) Height: 5'8 (I'm fun-sized! tee-hee!) Weight: 180 (I like to eat, don't you judge me >.>) Hair Color: Red (at... Read more...