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Hey everyone! I'm moving, and I won't be able to get internet in a very long time, so you may not see any updates for quite some time. I'm very worried that I may not get internet at all, so I'm just going to put as many books as I can. Sorry if you're looking forward to "Beautiful Punk", but I did update it. Please check it out (it's not much, but it's something). I'll miss you if I don't get it! :'(

Important Post

Hey everyone! This is my first time to make a post on my wall, so please take a look. I have a bit of writer's block on "Beautiful Punk", so I would like everyone to please bear with me on this. I will be continuing on "Part-time Mother", so whoever hasn't read it, please do and comment on it.

1 Comment
Deleted User

Ohh thank god I thought you wasn't going to write beautiful punk no more I was about to have a fit!! Lol

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