lycanthr0pe’s Favorites
- Fiction
- English
- 2 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2501
- 23
Keywords: Metamorphosis, Alter Ego
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- Mystery & Crime
- German
- 1015 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1952
- 56
Da lag sie nun, die, die ihn vergiften wollte - zwischen herab gefallenen Ästen und Laub, nahe der alten Waldhütte. Noch gab sie schwache Zeichen von sich...
Keywords: Netz, Mörder, Zigarette, Internet, 35. BookRix-Wettbewerb, Schreibwettbewerb, Bookrix, Ein fast perfektes Verbrechen, Versprechen, Laufen, Marathonläufer, Miststück, Keine Träne, Gift, Laub, Marathon-Wettbewerb, Walking, umbringen, Weißkittel, vergiften, Beine, Der Mörder geht ins Netz [more]
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von A bis Z
- Fiction
- German
- 1753 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 584
- 10
Ich erklär die Welt wie sie mir gefällt =D
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- Fiction
- German
- 2572 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 713
- 22
Vom Niedergang eines Menschen
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Of wounded souls and pulsating aches.
- Drama
- English
- 1736 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1247
- 37
Loss is inevitable. And the acceptance of loss is not an event but a journey of denial, of hatred, of anger, of aching and somehow finding the sanity to survive.
This is a subtle expression of every woman's story.
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- Short Story
- English
- 1453 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1891
- 32
A story of death, love and madness
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- Family & Relationships
- English
- 238 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1514
- 39
A very short story relating the trauma - and joy - surrounding a premature birth. Entered in the Family Storis competition.
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- Short Story
- English
- 1023 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2748
- 40
Jessie's mother and sister visit her at the clinic that is treating her dual diagnoses - Anorexia and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Her treatment requires she join them for a meal at the cafeteria.
But why can't Jessie eat? And what's wrong with the air?
Keywords: Food, Meal time, Family, Anorexia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Clinics, Medications, Sister, Mother.
For Free
- Fiction
- German
- 2712 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 608
- 7
Jeder, der mich kennt,und alle, die es nicht tun, und die, die es auch nicht wollen: Ich habe einfach zu viel Freizeit!
Keywords: Geistige Umnachtung
For Free
- Poetry
- German
- 179 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 564
- 30
Das Sternenglockenspiel wispert mir still Ideen zu ...
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