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O︀p︀e︀n︀ ︀L︀i︀n︀k︀ ︀➝︀ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?-lovestorm

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I would like to give you a look at my first eBook that has done the step from a german book, to the english version. It´s now available on

The title is "The Curse - Touch of eternity"

I would be happy, if you would have a look on the reading sample with the look inside.

A centuries old... Show more

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hey check out my new book called hurt by my mother and father click on me plz and comment

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Thanks for the heart on my book. Glad you enjoyed it. FYI, Desert Rose will be updated this weekend and is almost finished. Thanks again. L.L.

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Thanks for the heart on my books. Glad you enjoyed it. I love JR Ward got all her books and ready for 10th book. Yeah she was my inspiration when I wrote that scene. LOL. If you have time, read Desert Rose. It's the second book in the series. I update it frequently. Thanks again. L.L.

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I updated. :) Although, I'm unsure as to whether you can see it or not; Bookrix is acting up again.

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