loveable23994’s Favorites
New Friends, New Enemies, New School, New Destiny
- Fantasy
- English
- 8319 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1503
- 57
Topaz Astrid Henderson was half vampire on her father side. She is not half human like she thought. Will her mother tell her her other half or will she learn it herself? Everyone knows you can choose your destiny not Topaz her parents choose her destiny if she likes it or not.
Keywords: Withches, Pixies, Faires, Vampires, Angels, Mermaids, and Werewolves
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- Fantasy
- English
- 9906 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1696
- 76
Amber has been having strange dreams lately--dreams that are not normal. And when she wakes up, she finds out that she wants these dreams to come true. And she's not off. These dreams are powerful enough to break secrets, and with these dreams, comes true love.
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Janet Chapter 5
- Fantasy
- English
- 777 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 522
- 14
Ricky' sister never knew she can a name of her own. Until she met Jacob, the love of her life. Now RICKY is the obstacle that's keeping this two people from love. Will Janet believe Jacob or will she be brain washed by her brother? Who will she choose, her brother, Ricky... Read more...
Keywords: Jonny, Fantasy, Kiss, Move away, Texas, Jacob, Janet, Judy, Name, love, Sad, Sobbing, Holding hands, Bad day, Hot
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Janet Chapter 4
- Fantasy
- English
- 947 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1202
- 59
Ricky' sister never knew she can a name of her own. Until she met Jacob, the love of her life. Now RICKY is the obstacle that's keeping this two people from love. Will Janet beleive Jacob or will she be brain washed by her brother? Who will she choose, her brother, Ricky... Read more...
Keywords: kiss, move away, texas, jacob, janet, judy, name, punching, sad, sobbing, hugging, bad day, gym, buffed, hot
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Janet Chapter 3
- Romance
- English
- 664 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1338
- 41
Ricky' sister never knew she can a name of her own. Until she met Jacob, the love of her life. Now RICKY is the obstacle that's keeping this two people from love. Will Janet beleive Jacob or will she be brain washed by her brother? Who will she choose, her brother, Ricky or, her first love, Jacob?
Keywords: love, lust, kids, names, brothers, weird
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Janet Chapter 2
- Romance
- English
- 906 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1650
- 66
Ricky' sister never knew she can a name of her own. Until she met Jacob, the love of her life. Now RICKY is the obstacle that's keeping this two people from love.
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- Fiction
- English
- 574 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2366
- 81
Ricky's sister never knew she could get a name of her own until she met Jacob.
Keywords: sister
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- Romance
- English
- 702 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 819
- 10
john is a guy who wants lisa for himself. he has girls hanging on him but lisa doesnt like him. wanna find out what happenes next?? read the book. :) p.s.pleas write comments or i might not write more
Keywords: love
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