K.L.White’s Friends



  • English
  • 6 Books
  • 18
JP  Harris

JP Harris

  • English

My background, I have a degree in Archaeology from the University of Manchester. I have been active on various digs in the UK, Europe and North America. My main area of work is in publishing, with a company called Pomona Press. My roles include editing , research and photography.. I run a website... Read more...



  • German
  • 5 Books
  • 456

Ich liebe es zu schreiben, meinen Gedanken und Ideen freien Lauf zu lassen und sie aufs Papier zu bringen.Ansonsten interessiere ich mich sehr für Fotografie, Kunst, klassische Literatur und Sprachen. Milana Shezar ist nicht mein richtiger Name, sondern mein Künstlername. Ich mag den Klang von Shezar; es klingt... Read more...



  • English
  • 3 Books
  • 39

My Name Is Dannielle...... I love to read, write and sing. I enjoy reading romance novels and also writing them 

Sabrina Princess

Sabrina Princess

  • English

Hi my name is Sabrina    Let’s state the obvious right away and get it out of the way.  I love to read books .   That is the reason why i am here ...........)  



  • English
  • 6 Books
  • 719

"Words in and of themselves are neutral, it's the person behind those words that make them offensive."

sanza clara

sanza clara

  • English

i am a writer, a reader, singer and a student:Di would really apprecaite if you drop in to say a 'Hi':D

Damon Sterling

Damon Sterling

  • German
  • 1 Book
  • 5

Als Damon Sterling versuche ich erste Ausflüge in das Genre der hetero-erotischen Kurzgeschichten, wobei ich dabei wie gewohnt kein Blatt vor den Mund nehme und die Dinge direkt beim Namen nenne.   Nicht unbedingt etwas für Zartbesaitete oder Freunde von "Blümchensex".



  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 3

Haii people I'm Ayoka :) I am one of rarely found people on this planet. You can ralk to me if you need someone to talk to and you can message me anytime if you need help with anything or just to chat. I love helping people and making everyone smile. If you need anyone I'm right here. Enjoy God bless you :D    God is my everything :) 

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