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Hi, i just read your book, Behind the Lies and Those Eyes..., because i saw in the Gothic World group that you needed a little bit of help. It needs to be proofread and have grammar and punctuation corrections. Also the characters names need to be capitalized and same with Mother and Father, since you are referring to them as a proper noun. And to help you get moving along with your book, you could add more emotions and the... Show more


It was very helpful thankyou x


Your welcome

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hey, thanks for the friend request :)

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Hi noticed you are a fantasy and sf group member and wonder if you might be interested in checking out my story 'The Secret," subtitle is "Sealed with a kiss."
It is shorter than the 32 pages indicates.(in big print)

I am going to make friend request - thanks Janice

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well if u do update lemme no so i dnt add somthin n u add somthin n they end up clashin, :) cuz i dnt think il b adden anythin 2day...

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aye thts it :) i read wat ya put, cool :) il ryt mine up soon :) well probably not as soon as id like cuz ima little busy, but soon XD ya must hve had it saved on me only or somthin :)

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