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Please u really need to finish this story because I want to know what happen to her at the end did her mum died and did she finally get married to jack?

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Heyoo! Sooo, after a terribly long wait, I have FINALLY posted the Prologue to "Never Let Go". I do apologize for taking so long to post it! It's been an insane past couple of months and I haven't had much time for writing, but I figured now that things are slowing down (a tiny bit, at least) I'd get around to posting the first installment of NLG. So I have. Thanks again for all of the support! I hope that you'll still give... Show more

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Nina Kari

Hey, I've updated Forbidden Fantasy again, take a look. The entire story is up now

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Ello! :]

Sooo, I just thought I'd drop by and let you know that I've updated "Less than Perfect"! I'm terribly sorry about the long wait! I had uploading issues for the longest time, and I've been busy. Still, I apologize. I never meant for it to take so long. :\

Hope you enjoy the rest of the story, though! And thank you so much for your lovely support! I can't say that enough. :]


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Chapter Seven is finished on Like A Drug! Sorry for being a little late with the update and again for some spelling or grammar errors. I rushed a little with it. And the chapter is a little shorter, sorry about that too!!!

Hope you enjoy reading it!


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Chapter Six has finally been finished and its posted!

Chapter seven will be out soon, most likely in a couple of days or tomorrow depending how much I get done by then! Be sure to check out for the preview later, promise it will be up!

-Marie xoxo

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A preview of Chapter Six on Like A Drug has been posted!

Be sure to check it out!

-Marie xoxo

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Like A Drug has been finally updated! Another chapter is on the way for later but right now I hope you enjoy the finished chapter five!

Sorry it took so long. Weather issues that is messing up my usually daily updates!


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