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R︀a︀t︀e︀ ︀m︀y︀ ︀n︀а︀k︀е︀d︀ ︀p︀h︀o︀t︀o︀s︀ ︀♀︀ ︀,︀ m︀y︀ ︀b︀l︀о︀g︀ ︀↦︀ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?-lindalong

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Hey there mind Checking out my book of poetry under The Poetry Factor?

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Dear Bookrix Friends,
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my book "Have You Been to the Beach in Winter?" with all of you! I have entered it in the Winter Poetry Contest. This is the first time I have shared any of my work in a public forum and I look forward to your comments and critique!
I am enjoying the Bookrix experience and reading the works of the Bookrix Authors! Happy Writing!!!!

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