lilnascar’s Favorites
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everyone has a damcel in distress to save
- Romance
- English
- 396 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 3495
- 120
this book is about abbey noel a girl who is kidnapped by her familyenemy and noeone can save her not even her beloved father the only person that can is brody a routhles rouge vampire so rumors say he has a heart of stone and cares for noeone that changes when his... Read more...
Keywords: vampire love
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- Fantasy
- English
- 28332 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 11489
- 899
PLEASE NOTE , NOT COMPLETED WORKS, WILL UPDATE CHAPTERS WHEN I CAN Port Townsend is the new safe haven for Immortals and were beasts , Carrie-Ann (immortal vampire) moves with her family to Port Townsend ,where she meets Yas (werewolf).....
Keywords: vampire, were beasts, love, romance, death
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