Mr.drpepper101’s Friends
- 23 years
- English
- 1 Book
- 2
I am kitchens and im here to say I don't know how to rap.
- 25 years
- English
My name is Iris. Wired name I know. Butties x.x.... I'm addicted to gauges, body tattoos, and piercings. They are like my life. Nightcore is the bae. Rock/Screamo are my type of music. So, Ask me anything. I'll just answer them in anyway way, Form, Or shape. >u<
slowly> hurting> giving up
- English
- 1 Book
- 3
Hi, Takedn by the best guy ever. Miss my sister Almara. l
jessjc3 ♥️
- English
- 5 Books
- 106
Hay peebles, i wont delete my account but i wonnt be on much. my wattpad username is : look me upp and follow me and ill follow back Prince Ash has ATTACKED!!! So heres a joke for you nerds!!! Why did the Skeleton stop playing football?? Because his heart... Read more...
☯ Faylinn ☯
- 26 years
- English
♡ Hold My Hand, You Muppet. ♡ Taken He's My Baby! His little whispers, "Love me, love meThat's all I ask forLove me, love me."He battered his tiny fists to feel somethingWondered what it's like to touch and feel something.
- English
- 2 Books
- 9
I am a 13 year old brony and if anyone says they hate mlp i will... never mind. I like mlp dragonball z legend of zelda attack on titan pokemon digimon blue exercist suprcalifragilisticexpialadoushous friends greenday braingames going deep and paper mario THE HUNGER GAMES ARE THE BEST BOOK SERIES I READ SO... Read more...