i will always luvv&& mizz river forest! ingot for lyfe yoo! i love being emo, i love my sista an broz. i love imvu, and freerealms.com, i am a HUGE animal lover,i love bleach,naruto,ghost whisper,supernartural,inuyasha,death note,ghost adventures,jeffdunham, and i love chillinz with freinds. i love playing with any technolgy, ,i love to read, i love playin with ALL mii petz. bout mii:
im... Show more
i will always luvv&& mizz river forest! ingot for lyfe yoo! i love being emo, i love my sista an broz. i love imvu, and freerealms.com, i am a HUGE animal lover,i love bleach,naruto,ghost whisper,supernartural,inuyasha,death note,ghost adventures,jeffdunham, and i love chillinz with freinds. i love playing with any technolgy, ,i love to read, i love playin with ALL mii petz. bout mii:
im caring,sweet,funny,luvvable,random,crazy,and fun to chill wit
i hav alot of h8trz but idgaf bc i nvr did shitt 2 them so let them h8t(=
i mayb fat,ugly,smell,small,a bad singer, ect..but do mii a favor and dnt point them out! kay its make mii lyfe a lil easier thanx!
i will always b there for mii freinds when they need mii most ♥
i luvv mii freindz and petz and mii fam ♥
i have a rought lyfe but im still alive so tht mean im strong and can take it
im not purrfect but im mii if u dnt like mii then delet mii idgaf but knw thiz dnt ever fuk wit mii im not so nice then(;
thanx to all mii TRUE freindz who r there wit mii threw all of theiz ily ALL!
im 100% country and 100% blond so get ova it.
i wanna hav kidz but i anit no lil whore or cheater i have ben played so many timez tth i wld NVR do tht! i luvv who ever i d8t and thtz the truth.
i cry myself to sleep bc of all the drama and problemz n mii lyfe but i nvr will cry n frnt of ppl just to shw im weak! cry nvr solves anythign or brings any1 bck thtz mii saying.
mii name may taste good but kepp it outa ur mouths!
ill always b here for ANY1who needs sum1 t talk to(=
luvv mii ill luvv u h8t mii well idc go ahead it doesnt hurt mii(;
mii name iz bonnie speed and dnt u forget it!