Support young writers J.K. Persy, and you can be the proud owner of a signed ebook, a GOLDEN KISS and other perks!
Hey! Could you possibly give me some feedback on my books The Story Book and A World Invisible To The Wise real quick? I'd really like your critiques :)
Hi Leslie, I write also but not so much lately, too many problems and for a while, no computer of my own. I have plenty of old stuff which you can see from my profile and my books. I also write in sci/fi/fantasy, nnot sure what I coyuld call some of the books gen res, the jury is out on that one. I d also write poetry. A s for reading, used to be all sci/fi but in the last few years I have spread my reading net much wider and... Show more
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If u can dream with ur eyes open, u have 100% chance to live ur dream, but if u dream while sleeping u can only write incomplete & spiced movies and stories