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Books (11)
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As of right now I am working on a new book called 'Revenge Of An Idol'. a light romance that I hope you will enjoy. after that I have two more book I'll be working on, though I'm not sure about there names just yet.

I am really trying to get back in to the swing of writing. Even if everything I write feels like trash. I still fill like I should push myself to get better.

Good luck to you, your writing and your reading. - D.

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updates :

I really want to take my writing seriously, and find that I hate a lot of my old work. So I have been going over some of my work. That's why you'll find a lot of my work taken down.  I'll put them back up when I am done. Though some I may not put back up and others may get a complete overdo.

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Hi, I know i haven't been in in a while . But I just wanted to let you know that I am a very big fan of your work. I would love it if you can help me with my book. You can E-mail me at aaliyahjennings17@yahoo.com

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I just want u to knw I love ur books just as much as kreslie Cole and she's my favorite author if u haven't read any of her books u should :)

1 Comment

wow I'm honored thank you. :) and yes I'm a big fan of Kresley Cole and Gena Showalter and j. r. ward. if you don't know them you should get to know them lol they are really good.

also I would like to thank you for your comments on my books.

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Thanks for accepting ;)

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thanks for acceptance


thank you for friending :)

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no problem hope we become good friends


lol Im looking forward to it Princess Aaliyah

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me too and your books are very interesting to read i will add them

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thank you for adding my books i appreciate it and i will read your books soon and share them with my friends

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