Mina Bu’s Friends

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Eva Goldsby

Eva Goldsby

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    May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.     INTJ

Roxanne Jade Regalado

Roxanne Jade Regalado

  • English
  • 14 Books
  • 22

I love to enjoy life and have fun. I'm friendly and an aspiring writer. Please check out my books! I have one book that is not under bookrix. It's a love story entitled Beloved and it's available in ebook form and paperback. 



  • German
  • 6 Books
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  • English
  • 2 Books
  • 33

I love to read,then I thought why not write something too?And that was it. And one more fact about me:  I'm a Pakistani, and if you think I'm somehow less important than you because of that, then I dont care. Differences of colour or race dont matter as long as you have two hands, two legs, two eyes, two ears ,... Read more...



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  • 15 Books
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