kiteria4473’s Groups
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Inspirational Authors
- 16 Members
- 6 Posts
- Public Group
This group can be for chats, asking for help on your stories/books, or just commenting on others' works. This is a place where you don't have to feel as if your creativity is being stiffled by someone or something. You're free to express yourself as long as you don't put someone else down. You don't have to feel ... Read more...
Latest Post: December 30, 2017, 10:16pm
Inspirational Writers
- 81 Members
- 33 Posts
- Public Group
For all the writers out there who are told they won't be any good, this group is for people like us who don't care what people think and just write. You can ask about other people's books or start discussions with people about your own. Or you can ask other writers for advice.
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 8:57am
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