kikilove1’s Friends
- 29 years
- English
- 2 Books
- 90
I'm bored, and most of the time, i just hang with friends to get un-bored. i like to have fun. but i also can be serious. Just depends on the situation really. and i really hate trying to describe myself, especially on these kinds of sights! i love to mess around, and now i feel like im trying to enter a dating site.. ha.. im done.
My friend calls me Bran if you want my full name...ask..... it's not that hard people.
- English
- 13 Books
- 328
I'm talkitive, love to party (emphasis on the love), LOVE Black Veil Brides, best band ever, and have the best friends I evern could have! My best friend in the WHOLE world is Tehya and I don't know what I would do without her. I'm usually a really nice person, but when you get on my bad side or hurt one of my... Read more...
- English
i luv jojo and i like emo peoples hair because of how straight it is and who ever reads this please dont make fun of me thank you