kiki192’s Favorites
- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 103172 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1471
- 3
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- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 8712 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1734
- 78
13-year Cassie Lauden was a major loser who cowered under the fear of the most popular girls in the school who calls themselves the Supremes until she meets hottie Vincent Wilterdon and things surely changes for her...
Keywords: things just got better
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- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 1138 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 553
- 6
Thre is too much dancing, too much music. I had to get out. But what would happen if we tried to h
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- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 2583 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 998
- 21
Raina Alba was just a typical girl.Until one day she got to walk home from school for the first time.She gets harassed by 3 guys while she walks home.Will it get worse or just end?
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One Girl, One Bite, A Mysterious Orphan
- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 3122 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 734
- 15
Akitachi is a 13 year old girl who get's turned into a vampire by her best friend.
Keywords: Vampire, Mindreading, Twins, Ancient times
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the 2nt book
- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 667 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 723
- 12
she is having the baby
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what did i do
- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 722 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1037
- 19
i'm 14 scared and pregnant
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- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 14364 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 3560
- 170
Macy and her best friend Shelly step out of their shell and start expieriencing high school to the fullest extent, starting by their first party. When Macy meets Mike she realizes that Life is more than a party. She goes through backstabs and Falling in Love. This book... Read more...
Keywords: Romance, Friendship, Parties, Love, Teenage, Summer, Socializing, Heartbeak
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- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 3733 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 4442
- 213
Every high school has their cliques. There are the Partiers, the Preppy’s, The Cheerleaders, The Emo’s, and the Jocks. They all stay together in their little groups and it never seems like they break apart. But things are different at Dena High School, because that’s were... Read more...
Keywords: love, romance, friends, bianca, ivy, tamara, chloe, harmony, relationship, abuse, pregnancy, hate, sex, trust, secrets, drugs, alcohol
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