Ok guys vote on my book "Mlp for what happends next but before voting read chapter 6 first and hope you guys enjoy
1: tomorrow he doesn't come at all and i worry about him
2: when he comes tomorrow he brings his girlfriend to help him
3: When he comes tomorrow he just installs it while i talk to him
4: When he comes tomorrow pinkie pie is there and ruins my chances to talk to him and get to know him
ok guys vote :D
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you like pewdiepie? that is so good he is sooooooooooooooooooo funny
Hey guys im leaving a hint on what my OC is and hes grayish white with a horn and he loves technology and invents stuff
Come On People I mean He's a Nice Guy!
Friend Him!
:D oh and can you not say that, i dont like to brag :)
Ok she won't :)
ok guys vote here for my book "mlp a love story"
1: twilight teleports red fire to nearby water and treatens to kill him unless he fesses up
2: twilight teleports him to discord to be torcherd unless he fesses up
3: twilight teleports him out of the castle becuase shes mad
so guys vote what number you guys want to vote for my story i will start the next chapter "4" by the time i get a lot of votes
got a point 1 might be a little more intense
ok guys im starting CHAPTER 4
Thank you for Voting, i will post again for more voting later on and i just finished Chapter 4 and 5 and chapter 6 is going to be cool, i will begin to show you my OC :D
Guys i started my new book i just finished Chapter 1 check it out
its called "mlp a love story"
hey guys i am making a new book and its about mlp so give me advise, my story is about this mare who likes a guy but doesnt know how to talk to him and the stallion is poor
( its a romantic story )
random song time
I'm not a fan of puppeteers,
but I've a nagging fear
someone else is pulling at the strings
Something terrible is going down
through the entire town!
wreaking anarchy and all that it brings
I can't sit idly,
no I can't move at all!
I curse the name
the one behind it all
Discord, I'm howling at the moon,
And sleeping in the middle
of a summer afternoon
Discord, whatever did we do
to make you take our world... Show more
for those who want to know ( and rainbow joe ) im in a relationship with spitefire ( the Pegasus in the wonder bolts )
I luv when daze stops arguin:)
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