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Books (13)
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Soo I just logged into this account for the first time in 6 years. I wonder if anyone I used to talk to or used to read my books is still here. I kind of got of track from writing but am considering coming back even though I’m a completely different person and writer now. I suppose my books were good for an 11 year old at the time but they make me cringe now, lol. Please let me know if anyone is still here.

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Hey :)
I hope you love Harry Potter, if so check out my book!

The Player or the good guy? https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-notwithoutmusik-the-player-or-the-good-guy/ Katherine Scar Pettegrew is the sister of Peter and very good friends with the Marauders. She has a huge crush on Sirius, but he is the player of the school so she get's her heart broken over and o...
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can you finish Im in love deal with it please finish it

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you should finish beaten it sounds goo from the frist page that was all

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Hey, iv put some stuff in2 Shifter Wars, im guna narrate the girl n since u wer doin the guy (wow doesnt tht sound dirty!) i was wonderin if u could read my prt thn ryt some more urself, i asked the other co-author, but she didnt reply, so can u do it???? thnks

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