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Thanks for all the comments! I'm glad you like my stories. I've been trying to get back into working on them now that I have more time.

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I'm going to re-read all the books/stories that I've read!

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Hi All,

Just want to info that I'm currently busy with my work and I might not be able to log into bookrix as often. I might be late in accepting friends invitation, replying messages and reading new books and updates. I'll try to do all that when I got the time.

Sorry. -__-

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Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

Hi. Thanks for taking the time to read the first chapter. Your comment pointed out the same thing that my friend pointed out: there's no action. I'll get to work on that.

thanks :)

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Eli the Great

P.S No offense but it would've been a little more helpful if you commented on the book and not to me. but thank you for the heart and advice

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Eli the Great

JELLO! Kazen(did i spell that right) Nice to meet you thanks for those helpful comments be sure to check out some other books that I have and um...you're a ROOOOSTER!!! (or whatever bird that is I have a hard time trying to distinguish if it's a rooster. or a turkey) TEE-HEE

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Deleted User

thank you for reading my stories! Yeah book 2 is slower paced since it's more of a Q&A sort of storie. I kind of screwed up with the first book cause people were filled with so many questions at the end. So I'm useing book 2 as a way of answering some of those questions.

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Welcome to the BookRix community - have fun!

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