Dear Readers:) ,
I have messaged you because you either are my friends on bookrix or you heart-ed one of my books.:) I appreciate it:D
If you haven't realize, I'm not active on bookrix anymore:( Sorry for that. Im just so fed up with bookrix because it keeps deleting my chapters and i have to start all over again. It happened the first time to Stuck in Hell. And I decided to start over and just rewrite. I almost finished the... Show more
Just dropping by to say that Renesmee has been updated.
Hope you'll run by and read it.
Merry Late Christmas! :)
Thank you so much for the heart on my book >^=^>
Hi i was just stopping by to say thanks for the heart and tell you that the next part is up. Also check out my fb page if you want access to sneak peaks at chapters pictures and more. Keep well
An Irish lady, I'm honored.
Thank you for reading and saving The Story of Skyla.
I hope it captured your reading my friend.