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Books (2)
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HEY!! thanx for the heart on 'Football Girl' I litterally just added a little the sec i saw that u commented on my book. LOL! I hope u enjoy

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OMFG!!!!! I just realized tht the day of my Birthday is the day that Breaking Dawn comes out! wht a way to spend yur birthday right!not! this sucks! i'm not gona be able to see it and its my bday damnit! grrr

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Hi, I uploaded a new boook please check it out and tell me what ya think! It's Diffrent then the stuff I usually write so i could use your opinion. :)


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Another chapter has been added to my story "A Soul Mate's destiny" :) IDK if you had to know it, but I thought it would better if I had let you know. Please give it a try and let me know what you think about my Chapter Two :D Happy reading xoxo

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Thank you for the friend request ^=^ I'm glad you like my book XD it means a lot to me that you're reading it :D I'll definitely let you know when I put more up ^-^

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