kaptainsinerwreck’s Friends
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What inspires my writing? Easy, music and dreams.
Usually, I'm listening to a play-list specific to my writing needs.
Current play list: David Gray (LOVE him!), R.Pattinson, Joe Purdy, Ray Lamontagne, Carolina Liar, Muse, Noah and The Whale, Joshua James, fun., and Amos Lee.
Quotes I love:
Reading is to the...
- English
- 111 Books
- 1834
Born in Bavaria, Germany. Lived in Belgium for 7 yrs. Moved to Montreal 57years ago.Have 2 kids and 4 grandchildren.Semi-retired and have numerous poems and stories or various length and genres at BookRix. I'm an artist. Dabble in all mediums (media) oil, wood, clay, photography/computor generated art. etc. Love the outdoors.
- English
- 17 Books
- 256
ENGLISH Customer Support for BookRix.com. Please email all inquiries to support-en@bookrix.com
- English
- 4 Books
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I'm interested in connecting with other writers/readers. I like bellydancing, Zumba, BodyrockTV (that girl is nuts), Wii, Final Fantasy, technology, movies (Netflix ftw), FB, Anime (Monster is a must see), Pandora Radio, Ghost Tours, world cultures, travel, languages, literature, drinking (not heavily), and F O... Read more...
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