kaitykazoo’s Favorites
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Life After Breaking Dawn
- Fiction
- English
- 65100 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 42500
- 600
Edward and Bella have had their love story, now its Renesmee’s turn. Though, this Romance is taking a spin on the supernatural and going down an unfamiliar road, one reader’s won’t expect.
Keywords: Continuation of Twilight Saga, Romance Novel, Vampire Novel.
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- Fantasy
- English
- 28332 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 11491
- 899
PLEASE NOTE , NOT COMPLETED WORKS, WILL UPDATE CHAPTERS WHEN I CAN Port Townsend is the new safe haven for Immortals and were beasts , Carrie-Ann (immortal vampire) moves with her family to Port Townsend ,where she meets Yas (werewolf).....
Keywords: vampire, were beasts, love, romance, death
For Free
- Fantasy
- English
- 2282 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 734
- 15
The before story if Jane and Alec
Keywords: jane, alec, new moon, twilight, eclispe, breaking dawn, vampires, blood, fire, cross, aro
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Choice's of a lifetime
- Romance
- English
- 1156 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 3288
- 214
This is the 2nd book, which isnt yet complete so i will keep updating when i can :)
Alyssa has found out about Jame's secret,
She loves him, but will she want to stay with him, and will she have a choice???
Keywords: vampire, romance, secrets, betrayal, love, accident
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