behrozepervaiz’ Friends

Cindy und Mason sibling power

Cindy und Mason sibling power

  • German
  • 11 Books
  • 242

ich lese gerne,tanze, party, freunde treffen



  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 156
Adi Sharma

Adi Sharma

  • English

If you wanna know me... better you start respecting Girls ;)




  • English
  • 8

I love to write, it is what i do well along with almost everything i do. I love to write poems mostly. I am a person who will love a few and love hard. Im not a person to be messed with. I am an outgoing person and love to met new people. wanna know more? inbox me.




  • German

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it." -Harvey Mackay



  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 1

Sarah Stoflet is an aspiring author and complete bookworm. She spends much of her time reading and writing, typically in her local coffee shop or a B&N. She is in the midst of publishing two debut novels, both of which are expected to be released by the beginning of 2019. She comes from a huge, loving, crazy,... Read more...



  • English
  • 3 Books
  • 11798

Hi everyone! I'm a student from England. I love reading books, my favourite genre being romance and its because of this i thought about writing. Thank you for visiting my page and i hope you're enjoying my books as i hope to write many more!



  • German

Ich bin ein Mensch

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