joeparente’s Groups
Lots of love and laughs
- 66 Members
- 110 Posts
- Public Group
Well, I find that there are times when someone finds themself in need of some love or just something to make them laugh. This place is for all of you jokesters that love making people laugh and smile.
Latest Post: April 09, 2015, 6:22am
BookRix FREE Self Publishing Service
- 172 Members
- 72 Posts
- Public Group
BookRix is a platform where you can sell your work as an eBook and distribute it around the world. This is a group where you can feel free to ask questions and get support with our service. Don't be shy. Feel free to ask us anything.
Latest Post: January 30, 2019, 5:56am
- 3,394 Members
- 3,942 Posts
- Public Group
Jeden Monat Kurzgeschichten-Wettbewerb. Es gibt Bücher von BX-Autoren zu gewinnen. Und ein Essay-Wettbewerb. ✏️ Im Zentrum unserer Gruppe steht das Schreiben und Lesen von Kurzgeschichten aller Art, aber auch das Geben von Hilfestellungen und Tipps zum Schreiben. Please Enter. ▶️ Falls Ihr über BX-Wettbewerbe... Read more...
Latest Post: February 23, 2025, 7:59am
SATIRE *** Gruppe für Spötter, Spießer und Spaßpoeten
- 138 Members
- 392 Posts
- Public Group
Satire ( σάτιρα ): Der Begriff „Satire“ läßt sich mit dem Leitwort SPOTTDICHTUNG abdecken. Die Deutschen kennen diese aus dem Fernsehen: Kabarett, Karneval und anderweitige kratzbürstige Features bis hin zum miserabel gearteten Klamauk. In dieser Satire-Gruppe erwartet man sich besseres, nämlich: Witzige POES... Read more...
Latest Post: November 24, 2023, 5:59pm
ebook publishing
- 142 Members
- 112 Posts
- Public Group
I fell in love with eBooks and eReaders. When I discovered Bookrix, it opened up the idea of publishing ebooks as opposed to pBooks. I'll start posting the resources I've accumulated so far and invite anyone else interested in eBook publishing to share their resources, ideas, advice, rants, etc.
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 1:59pm
The Reading List
- 1,228 Member
- 1,960 Post
- Public Group
Advertise Here! Wanted – New or old books, poems, contest entries, and readers looking for new material. Do you have a blog or author webpage you would like to advertise? Join us here at the Reading List where all promotion, suggestions or inquiries are welcome.
Latest Post: January 21, 2021, 10:08am
Classic Books
- 233 Members
- 44 Posts
- Public Group
Here is a group for those that love the classics, such as Moby Dick, Jane Eyre, Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, and many others. Come and share your opinions and enjoyments of the classics.
Latest Post: January 29, 2016, 6:45am
Writers Over 50
- 41 Members
- 36 Posts
- Private Group
This is a place where authors, poets, essayists, and playwrights - and any I've left out - can share what we're doing, ask questions, and just be a group of interested/ interesting peers.
If you ARE over 50 please send your request to become a member.
Latest Post: May 03, 2013, 8:40pm
Twilight Followers
- 140 Members
- 27 Posts
- Public Group
A group for the lovers of the Twilight Saga. We disscuss it, talk about the characters, and how we like it. Which was your favorite one, and fav part. Hope you enjoy this group!!:) Peace, Love, Twilight!!!
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 12:40pm
New to BookRix
- 5,992 Members
- 4,332 Posts
- Public Group
Welcome to BookRix! This is a group created especially for newbies on BookRix and for BookRix to share their info with you!Here you can create new threads to ask questions and meet other new members.
Latest Post: November 25, 2019, 7:42am