Lil Hatter girl
Lil Hatter girl
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Du magst Fantasie? Liebesgeschichten mit Verzweiflung, Angst und Leidenschaft? Dann guck doch einfach einmal in eines meiner Bücher rein :) Magst du es nicht? dann ignoriere den Post einfach :)
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Erst musste ich zu meiner Mum ziehen, die mich eigentlich hasste. Und dann zogen wir auch noch zu ihrem Lover! Es... Show more

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Heyoo madde !
I am wondering if you're interested in art, because I'd be very excited if you could have a look on my new facebook-page. It would be quite cool if you could like it when my work seems good to you.:)
Sorry for my bad english.


Lil Hatter girl

As it is i am into art, and it would give me great pleasure to look at your page. I will take a peek when i get a chance to go on the internet use face book. why don't you message me what you Facebook page is called.
Thank you and a wonderful dream


you can see the link at the end of the message :D

Lil Hatter girl

i cant get to it on my cell


oh sorry! it's called "kopainski artwork"

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