jessicaglossy’s Favorites
Mr. and Ms. Popularity
- Romance
- English
- 1552 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 9708
- 307
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He's My Bestfriend We Do Everything Together
- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 1761 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 9343
- 346
Kaitlyn (Katie) Thompson has loved Logan Carter since she knew what love was. They have been best friends since they were born. She loves him but she doesn't think he loves her back. Will she ever admit it to him or let him go?
Logan (Logy) Carter is know as a notorious...
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- Humor
- English
- 46276 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2808
- 124
Mayella has lived in Wisconsin her whole life which is also referred to as cheese state, but when her mom remarries and moves to Cali she is also forced to move. She moves in with her mom's new boyfriend and his teenage son, Tristan. They do not get along what so ever, but... Read more...
Keywords: love, hate, friends, brother, sister, high school, fighting, drama, undecided, move, step brother, step mother, rape, abuse, scared, party
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Blue Aliens and Green Smurfs
- Humor
- English
- 4931 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 6041
- 235
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Thank God She's Not Like Her Father...
- Humor
- English
- 14017 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 3511
- 174
(Check back for new scenes and updates) (Book 3 of the 'I LOVE A PERVERT?!' series)
Delilah was kidnapped to join the Sysanthropes, the cat enemies of the werewolves. Afraid and pregnant, all she can do is go along with the leader, and hope for Aaron to save her. Not... Read more...
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- Humor
- English
- 20609 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 15706
- 348
Stacey is 18 years old and FINALLY she could have her own house, but what if, unexpectedly, 7 boys are living with her? She will no longer own the house? And what if her life is turning upside down?
Keywords: Boys, House Life and Love
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What My School Is Like After My Perverted Summer
- Humor
- English
- 25647 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 6282
- 290
(Check back for new scenes and updates) (Book 2 of the 'I LOVE A PERVERT?!' series) Delilah Rosye just broke up with her cheating first boyfriend. Heartbroken, she turns to Aaron, who just happens to be her mate she doesn't know about. School just started, and she's got... Read more...
Keywords: Fiction, Delilah, Rosye, Perverted, Summer, Aaron, Caspian, Narcissus, Deino, Daniel
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