javariusj’s Friends
Whitley Munns
- English
- 4 Books
- 6
"never make a man a priority when he only makes you an option" -unknown
- English
- 1 Book
- 43
Just a book nerd searching for other book nerds' creations.
- English
- 1 Book
- 13
If you want breakfast in bed... Sleep in the kitchen~ Off of a random person's T-shirt.
Melody Dupree
- 28 years
- 16 Books
- 404
I love to read and write. I can often be found in the corner or in a room all by myself either reading a book that has captivated my attention or writing some new story or poem that I absolutely could not remove from my head.
- German
- 2 Books
- 374
Ich liebe es zu lesen:), doch versuche auch selber zu schreiben. Aber wenn ihr gute Buchideen habt oder mir euer Buch vorstellen wollt, nur her damit.Dann höre ich eigentlich fast immer Musik und singe und tanze(Hip-Hop) gerne.
- English
- 4 Books
- 205
You can learn about that in the stories I write and the messages I send >:P