inesmrljic’s Friends
- German
- 5 Books
- 208
Huhu :) Ich bin Geanny - ich schreibe vor allem Erotikbücher und ab und an kommt mal was Neues dazu ;) Ihr habt Ideen, Tipps, Anregungen? Schreibt mir :) Ich freue mich immer über neue Leser, Nachrichten, Freundschaftsanfragen & Herzchen ;) Liebe Grüße :)
- English
- 1 Book
- 31
I'm nice to everyone. No matter how you look, act, or smell. I'll read anything that has mystery, horror, or romance in it. I like peaches and strawberries. I like the color purple and I only wear underwear on special occasions.
Felix Toczek
- German
- 4 Books
- 154
Ich bin eig. ganz normal, bin 16 Jahre alt und fahre seit ich sechs bin Motocross. Habe eine kleine Schwester und ein schwarzen Labrador-Mix (Sammy) der über alles Karotten liebt xD
- English
- 1 Book
- 38
Hey, it's Alex:) I am a ladies man:P I tend to be a huge flirt. So, guys, don't get pissed if I steel your beautiful lady. By the way, I believe every woman in this wonderful world is beautiful. Maybe they might not have the most beautiful personality, but ya know, ey:P
Anyway, Im from Canada. Lovin'...
- English
- 3 Books
- 174
Well, I'm very nice, sweet, helpful, and if anyone ever needs advice, I'm always there to help, wether its boy/girl issues or if you're having trouble writing a book. I'm always there:]Umm, I'm from the state of Oregon, then moved to Oklahoma, and now guess what? I'm back in Oregon baby:DTehe:]I have a boyfriend... Read more...
- English
- 2 Books
- 80
hi ^^ well im an aussie-born asian, which is kinda kwl. i love manga, anime, kpop, jpop, cpop and love any great fantasy/romance books. im a high school student and luv to mess with others. im friendly, but mean when have to be. i lov writing and especially drawing. Photography is my Passion. I can take... Read more...
- German
Luna Blenck... Ich liebe dich weiterhin...
______________________________________ Ich habe ein Iphone gekauft - Steve Jobs ist gestorben :S Ich habe mir das Album von Amy Winehouse gekauft - Amy Winehouse ist gestorben :S Ich habe mir ein Blackberry gekauft - BBM ist gestorben :S Ich habe mir eine Michael... Read more...
fat housecat
- German
- 735
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."