B ︀е ︀s ︀t ︀❤️ ︀P ︀о ︀r ︀n ︀★ ︀S ︀t ︀а ︀r ︀s, ︀open ︀link ︀↪ http://︀n︀a︀k︀e︀d︀%2D︀ᴳ︀i︀ᴿ︀l︀ₛ︀%2e︀ᴼ︀ⁿ︀l︀i︀n︀e/c%2ftrack%2fl%2f︀bookrix︀%2f︀-ikarua
It's funny. You're english and I'm german. I only wanted to make poblicity for my book but you see the problem: I've wrote the book in german. And I think you don't understand it. But when you can speak german too than is here the description for you: the book calls: Liebe leben. And in English: live love. Here the blurb (normaly it's in german but i've translate it only for you) :
Emily is 15 years old and lives with her... Show more
thanks btw If you do anime Id really love to see some drawings and Id love to send some of mine over one time (when I find them) A good person to learn of anime is mark crilley on youtube :) Just saying- your probebly really good already :)
Hi please could you read my book- born to die? If you like it, i would appreciate it if you would vote it for the competition too :)thank you, chloe x