Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine!
Your skin isn't paper don't cut it, you face isn't a mask don't hide it, your size isn't a book don't judge it, and your life isn't a film, don't end it!
That girl you just called fat? She's over dosing on diet pills.
That girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting on makeup just so people may like her.
That boy you just tripped? He gets abused enough at home.
That girl you told to kill herself? She was found yesterday hanging in a tree.
That boy you told to kill himself? He cut open his wrist, he's now on life support.
Remember the man with the ugly scars? He fought for... Show more
Dear Bullies,
You see that 15 year old girl holding hands with her one year old son you called a slut? She was raped at 13. You see that boy crying you made fun of for being a cry baby? His best friend commited suicide last night. You see that girl that you made fun of for having all those bruises? She is abused by her parents. You see that bald woman you made fun of? She is dying of breast cancer. You see that old man you... Show more
(1) Crazy
(2) I'd marry you.
(3) I'd date you.
(4) Sarcastic.
(5) I miss you.
(6) I'd kiss you.
(7) Beautiful.
(8) Smart.
(9) Imaginative.
(10) Random.
(11) Jerk.
(12) Funny.
(13) Awesome.
(14) Amazing.
(15) Tough.
(16) Cute.
(17 I'd hit you with a bus.
(18)I love you.
(19) Weirdo.
(20) Friends forever.
(21) Marry me?
(22) Your mine!
(23) I never want to lose you!
(24) I'd ask you out.
(25) I'd eat you up...
(26) I'd kidnap you...
(27) Flawless!
(28)... Show more
Ask any and ill send you a message with the answer
1.) Best Quality
2.) Longest Relationship
3.)A secret
4.) favorite colar
5.) Are you cute?
6.) Am I in a relationship
7.) Best Friend (Girl)
8.) Best Fried (Guy)
on just ask a question in the comments and i'll answer honestly :)
Hi. How are you?
Awe thanks.
I finished reading your book and I loved the way you described the position of each character especially the view of the boy's mother
Awll!!! Thank you so much!!!
Yeah tottaly true
This thing always gives me goosebumps